次数付きNoether環の有限生成性について (Buchsbaum環とgeneralized Cohen-Macaulay環の研究)
- Index of Reducibility of Parameter Ideals of a Local Ring (II) (Buchsbaum環とgeneralized Cohen-Macaulay環の研究)
- Non-Cohen-Macaulay symbolic blow-ups for space monomial curves and counterexamples to Cowsik's question(The ring theory of blow-up rings)
- Symbolic Rees algebraについて(Frobenius写像の可換環論への応用)
- Rings with only finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable maximal Buchsbaum modules, II (Representations of Rings and Duality)
- Sharp's Conjecture : the case of local rings with dim nonCM $\le$ 1 or dim $\le$ 5
- An example of one-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay local rings that posses only finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable maximal Buchsbaum modules
- NORMALITY OF BLOWING-UP(Related Topics to Cohomologies of Local Rings)
- Sharp予想の特別な場合(局所環のコホモロジーに関連する研究)
- Noether一様連接環について (Buchsbaum環とgeneralized Cohen-Macaulay環の研究)
- 次数付きNoether環の有限生成性について (Buchsbaum環とgeneralized Cohen-Macaulay環の研究)
- Blowing-up Characterization for Local Rings (代数幾何学への可換環論の応用)
- Buchsbaum局所環について (可換環論の研究)
- Rees環がCohen-Macaulay環になるための条件について (可換環論の研究)
- On types of blowing-ups of ideals in Buchsbaum rings(The ring theory of blow-up rings)
- Cohomology modules defined by an unconditioned strong d-sequence(Related Topics to Cohomologies of Local Rings)
- Noether環はいつ忠実加群に埋蔵されるか (Buchsbaum環とgeneralized Cohen-Macaulay環の研究)
- Gorenstein環について
- 可換環論Berkeleyシンポジウム
- 無条件強d列と他の列性質との関係 (木村滋教授戸田宏教授宮垣盛男教授倉橋浩一郎教授退職記念号)