- 論文の詳細を見る
It is important to realize than in literature as well as music and art, greater artist not only have weighed and checked their own works closely, minutely, and sometimes even critically,but also have tried to explore or develop their further possibilities by giving earnest study to the works and techniques of their predecessors or sontemporary rivals. It is commonly acknowledged that R.L.Stevenson used to be also "the sedulous ape".This invalid Scots writer came over to Monterey,California, which occupies one of the principal parts of Steinbeck Country. Steinbeck introduces this astonishing fact 'with pleasurea and some glory' in the opening paragraph of Chapter 12 of CANNERY ROW. The very cause of his visit and how he spent his short three months in Monterey,which was 'once capital of Mexican California' are clearly described in biographies and letters.However, To My Name-Child-a piece of A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES-itself explain, better than any biographies or letters cuuld, how 'the tiny sandy-pipers,and the huge Pacific seas' soothed the labors and hardships of the journey and poverty. In the light of THE TRUE ADVENTURES OF JOHN STEINBECK and THE ERRANT KNIGHT we can see the fatal and mysterious links beyond time between Stevenson and Steinbeck.There are some well-founded episodes which demonstrate that Steinbeck had keen interests in Stevenson and his works. As a natural consequence these interests produced tangible influence on Steinbeck's works. In fact. there is some correlation not in substance but in detail of stage props between CUP OF GOLD and TREASURE ISLAND, which 'certainly has the topogaraphy and the coastal plan of Pt Lobos' in Steinbecks language. The ties are clearly manifested in Chapter 6 of THE PASTURES OF HEAVEN, which was reprinted in 1963 as a monograph entitled" Nothing So Monstrous," KIDNAPPED, TREASURE ISLAND and TRAVELS WITH A DONKY are presented and its leading character, Junius Maltby, who calls to mind Robert Louis Stevenson with his varied experiences,named his son 'RObbie' after him. the title "I'm Sure we should ALL be as happy as kings"in chapter 40 of SWEET THURSDAY is also an excerpt from "Happy Thought" of A CHILD GARDEN OF VERSES. It is of deep significanse that Stevenson himself visited Monterey by chance even if the period of his stay is so short.(The young author happened to meet the American lady, Fanny Osbourne in France and he decided to follow his' love across half the world to a small adobe in Monterey',where she was ill and seeking a divorce for and in compliance with the history and results, its seems that the"chance" happenings are not mere coincidences but rather ineveitable.
- ハリウッド映画に見る車とアメリカ文化(2) : 量産・大衆化の時代からモータリゼーション確立期まで
- ハリウッド映画に見る車とアメリカ文化(1) : 自動車草創期からフォード・モデルT誕生まで
- スタインベック作品に見る自動車(2) : 『怒りのぶどう』と『菊』を中心に
- スタインベック作品に見る自動車(1) : 『エデンの東』とT型フォード
- 共同授業「生活文化論」覚え書き
- 移民とアメリカ文化
- スタインベックの作品にみるスティーブンソンの光と影
- GrayとGrey(1) : 辞書を中心として
- スタインベックの「怒りの葡萄」 : テキストと映画(1)
- スタインベックと音楽(1) : Cup of Goldと『新世界』交響曲
- スタインベックとスティーヴンソン : Montereyと二人の作家の不思議な因縁
- Cup of Gold 再考 : 「人物描写」と「自然描写」を通して