Significance of Controllable Nuclear Fuel Burning for Humanity
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More than half a century has passed since the start of nuclear fuel burning (NFB). But judging from the current situation of developments in Japan and elsewhere, it is disappointing that humanity is still unsuccessful in reaching the goal to make it an established social element. In the analysis of the significance of NFB, the paramount issues were identified rather the questions of communication to and acceptance by the non-specialists than of assessment by the specialists. The nuclear policy in general, safety policy in particular tend to be formulated through a series of complex political processes but such a sophisticated technology shall be chosen in the end by laypersons who place trust in it; situations will differ over countries, but implications diffuse globally. As a result corporate social responsibilities of public utilities may have the greatest importance because they may be in the position of priest or soldier to protect each individual citizen from psychological fears.
- 安価な石油に依存する文明の終焉(VI) : 終わりなき原油高騰の背景と新しい社会
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- 安価な石油に依存する文明の終焉(V) : 新しい文明の誕生と育成
- 安価な石油に依存する文明の終焉(III) : 21世紀テロリズム世界誕生の背景とその行方
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- 安価な石油に依存する文明の終焉II : イラク戦争の原因
- Significance of Controllable Nuclear Fuel Burning for Humanity
- 企業の社会的責任 : 新しい経営スタイルの理論的課題と諸概念
- 高度情報化福祉社会における市民教育 : 欧州型生涯学習システム
- 福祉国家の衰退と再興
- 持続可能な開発と戦略的ITの役割 : 欧州連合の理念と実践
- 環境保全型高度情報化文明の基盤
- ライフサイクルアセスメント法(LCA)による環境保全型社会設計
- 天然ガスに依存する文明の基盤 : 世界の天然ガス利用開発動向
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