- 成人の学習とマイノリティ
- Education for All : The Role of Higher Education and Universities
- 第5回国際成人教育会議報告
- Adult Learners : The Social, Cultural and Economic History behind Present Attitudes towards Learning in Japan
- 第4回世界女性会議(北京)および21世紀への挑戦
- ボランティア活動のための学習
- A Sociological and Educational Study of Turkish Migrants in England
- ボランティア情報システムの現状と課題
- Adult Education in The Multimedia Society in Japan : Living and Learning
- Indicators and Research Survey as Methodology of Comparative Adult Education
- 『女性観の変遷』(1)
- Future Strategies for Lifelong Learning as Consumption
- Adult Education Research Trends in Japan
- Adult Education from the Viewpoint of Developed Industrial Countries of the Far East
- Cultural Development, Adult Education and Local Communities
- Education and Culture in the Multi-ethnic Society : Japan's Challenge
- Deepening Democracy in Japan : Adult Education
- 大企業における女子の能力開発に関する事例研究