P409 東北地方の木質系・農業残渣系バイオマス資源を利用した石炭火力混焼システムの設計(ポスター発表)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposes of this research are designing co-combustion system using woody biomass and agricultural residue in Tohoku area. This research has five processes: Developing GIS database of available amount of biomass and their distribution, designing biomass procurement and co-firing system including collecting, storage, preprocessing, and transportation of biomass, optimizing transportation distance using GIS network analysis, defining procurement range of each biomass considering two types of economic constraint boundary, evaluating amount of power production, economic feasibility, and CO_2 reduction effect of total system. Co-firing system has high potential for RPS.
- 2009-01-13
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