- 論文の詳細を見る
Presently there are about two million Koreans living in China, most of them in Manchuria, in northeast China. Before the late 19th century, China's Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) prohibited Koreans from entering the southeast part of Manchuria that borders Korea, and Korean immigration to Manchuria was insignificant. In the late 19th century, however, the Qing relaxed its policy and many Korean peasants crossed the Yalu and Tumen rivers to Manchuria. The Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910 and the September 18th Incident or the Manchurian Incident in 1931 each brought about successive waves of immigration from Korea to Manchuria. As most Koreans in Manchuria coud not own land, they had to lease property from Chinese landholders. They suffered not only from heavy farm rents but also from harsh treatment at the hands of Chinese warlords and local authorities. However, just before the September 18th Incident, a Korean wrote that it was not the Chinese but the Japanese who oppressed Koreans. Because Japan, under the pretext of "protection of the Koreans", had often interfered in Chinese affairs, the writer felt that Japan was the root cause of Chinese oppression of Koreans. Before the September 18th Incident, Japanese authorities rarely tried to manage Korean immigration to Manchuria. However, the instability among the Korean community in Manchuria engendered by the September 18th Incident compelled Japanese authorities to attempt to restore stability through controlled Korean immigration to Manchuria. The Japanese-controlled Government-General of Korea, or Chosen Sotokufu, wanted to move as many Koreans to Manchuria as possible. On the other hand, the Manchurian side, that is, the Guandong Army of Japan and the Japanese-controlled Manchukuo puppet government, regarded increases in the Korean population of Manchuria as dangerous, because many of the immigrant Koreans were engaged in anti-Japanese activity. Therefore, at first "Manchukuo" set limits to the number and area of settlement permitted for Korean immigrants. The Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945 changed Japanese policy toward Korean immigrants. Koreans, having assimilated with Japanese, were encouraged to immigrate to Manchuria. As a result, the Korean population in Manchuria increased dramatically. Many of those Korean immigrants, however, found out too late that the area they had migrated to was a harsh wilderness where survival was difficult.
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- 「21世紀の日中関係-中・米のはざまで」-はしがき : 中国研究所1999年度研究大会(1999年5月22日, 文京区民センターにて)
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- 小島朋之著, 変わりゆく中国の政治社会 : 転換期の矛盾と摩擦, 芦書房, 1988年7月刊, A5判, 395頁, 3000円
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- 載国〓編『もっと知りたい台湾』(弘文堂)(1986年5月刊, 四六判, 330頁, 2000円)
- 中園和仁著, 『香港をめぐる英中関係-中国の対香港政策を中心として-』, (アジア政経学会), 1984年11月刊, 176頁
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- 衛藤瀋吉編, 『現代中国政治の構造』, (日本国際問題研究所刊), 1982年2月刊, A5判, 370頁, 3300円
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