戦後台湾にみる「中国文化」に関する一考察 : 国民党政権の文化政策「中華文化復興運動」における博物館の動向と文化意識の変容を中心に
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This paper analyzed the transformation of the Chinese culture in Taiwan. Especially, this paper analyzed the complex cultural identity of the Taiwanese from the time of Japan rule to the present. The identity of the "Taiwanese" started from being under the rule of Japan. Afterwards, Taiwan was put through the immigration rule extending over a period of 50 years under the KMT's rule. Then, the chinese consciousness was instilled, and the "Taiwanese identity" was suppressed. The museums in the Palace Museum, Historical Museum, etc. accomplished the key role in the cultural policy. It is understood that the museum bore the heavy responsibility for the "Change to China" from the superintendent's remark at that time. "Taiwanese identity" is becoming active because of its democratization in recent years and the collapse of the KMT's rule. At the same time, the role of the museum has started to change. It is understood that young people in Taiwan are strengthening the Taiwanese identity from the result of a questionnaire given to the junior high school students. On the other hand, the Chinese identity remains as well. It is said that the treasure of the museum is not the one of Taiwan, though "Chinese culture" is assumed to be the joint property of both China and Taiwan. The Taiwanese still swing between being "Chinese" and "Taiwanese".
- 戦後台湾にみる「中国文化」に関する一考察 : 国民党政権の文化政策「中華文化復興運動」における博物館の動向と文化意識の変容を中心に
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