- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper shows how to distinguish between two kinds of phonograms. The kanji, 无 and 無, are used in the record entitled Shousouin komonjo. While these letters have the same meanings and the same pronunciation "mu," they are used in different ways. The study of kanji did not progress for a long time because the original was kept behind closed doors. However, recently the number of publications with pictures of Shousouin komonjo has increased. Therefore, I studied the phonograms in the record and singled out the charcters, 无 and 無. As a result, I found that there was a tendency to express the differences between them by using certain forms. In this article, there are some cases taken from Shousouin komonjo, mokkan (a board used instead of paper) and kinsekibun (lettering on metals or stones) for my research.
- 上代の一次資料にみられる「无」「無」字について
- 木簡にみる国名表記の変遷--「針間」「幡磨」「幡麻」を中心に
- 『萬葉集』巻二十防人歌採録基準に関する一考察
- 『萬葉集』巻一四東歌の国名に見られる上代特殊仮名遣いの違例--カミツケ・シモツケのケの甲乙