紡錘虫科Schwagerina亞科の再分類 : 二疊系の対比についての試案
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Recently, the classification of Fusulinids, especially subfamily Schwagerininae, is too much specialized and there are many confusions among the scientists. In view of this fact, I have attempted to classify them systematically from the stand point of following five remarks. 1. Folding of septa is devided into next three degrees-regular, irregular and weak. 2. Thickness of spirotheca in outer volution is devided into two groups-thick and thin, separated by a boundary of 100μ. 3. Coiling manner in inner volution-Tighly and Loosely. 4. External form-Rounded, Bulged, Fusiform, Elongated fusiform, Elongated cylindrical. 5. Size-Large, Medium, Small. From the above five points, I made a table and plate which is forwarding to you under separate cover. Their specific names were followed with "form species" which Shimer and Shrock had already stated in the "Index fossils-of North America". These form species may be grouped into five genera and four subgenera-such as, genus 1. Para fusulina, 2. Schwagerina, 3. Pseudo fusuling, 4. Pseudoschwagerina, 5. Fujimotoella, subgenns 6. Paleofusulina 7. Sehellwienia 8. Paraschwagerina, 9. Zellia
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1954-11-25
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- 紡錘虫科Schwagerina亞科の再分類 : 二疊系の対比についての試案
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