カラマツの間伐作業について : 第1報 研究の目的と予備試験
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Recently the row thinning method has been adopted as one of the ways to promote the thinning Japanese larch forests, as this method can be easily carried out by making use of some machines, but it has been found out that this method has many defects from the point of the original purpose of thinning. As far as I have experimented, the felling and the bucking operations by this row thinning method, there seems practically no improvement in its working efficiency, so I introduced two machines expecting to keep natural state of thinning and to promote the working efficiency. They are a small-sized jeep and a large-sized wheel type tractor. I used these machines and tested for skidding the thinned logs from forest to landing by work-sampling method. The followings are the results. 1. By using the small-sized jeep 1) Time saving 2) Energy saving 3) More productive . 2. To carry larger thinned logs, I used a large-sized wheel type tractor and tested skidding with the following results. 1) Using spur roads, this tractor could carry out thinned logs successfully. 2) We can use this tractor for pre-yarding and skidding consistently. 3) When this tractor is used for skidding, we can carry out large amounts of thinned logs from distance very rapidly.I はじめに II 北海道のカラマツ 1 導入の推移と現状 2 間伐 III 伐木・造材の功程調査 1 目的 2 調査地の概況 3 結果と考察 IV 搬出作業の功程調査 A 小型ジープによる短材搬出 1 目的 2 試験地の概況 3 方法 4 結果と考察 B 大型ホイール・トラクタによる搬出 1 目的 2 試験地の概況 3 方法 4 結果と考察 V おわりに Resume
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- カラマツの間伐作業について : 第1報 研究の目的と予備試験
- 6.カラマツ間伐材の搬出作業(B.森林生産部門,I研究動向)
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