林分の水分収支に関する研究(3) : 雨量-生長量関係の解析・粕屋演習林の資料から
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This paper deals with the results of experiments on the relation between tree growth and precipitation. In the previous report, one of the authors calculated the correlation coefficient between the annual growth ratio of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don), and the monthly precipiration in Kurate District, Fukuoka Prefecture. The correlation coefficient was 0.63 in May and 0.54 in June, and was highly significant. So, it was presumed that May and June was the critical period of Sugi growth relating to the precipitation in that district. In this paper, these results were compared with the data from the Kyushu University Forest in Kasuya District, Fukuoka Prefecture. 1. Sugi trees of 29-35 years of age were used as materials. 2. It was recognized that there was correlation between the annual growth ratio and the precipitation in May and June. But the precipitation in the other months showed no relation to the growth. Therefore, it can be deduced that the precipitation in May and June makes a controlling factor. (Table 3) 3. This results coincided closely with the seasonal periddicity of height growth. (Fig. 2)I 緒言 II 解析方法 III 資料 IV 結果及考察 V 摘要 参考文献 Resume
- 九州大学の論文
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- 林分の水分収支に関する研究(3) : 雨量-生長量関係の解析・粕屋演習林の資料から
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