- 論文の詳細を見る
Five vowel sounds of "Tenshingoso" (a, e, i, o, u) in Shintaido, a martial art, were sound analyzed and. compared with that of usual vowel. There were difference in PCL capstrum which is the envelope of power spectra. The fundamental frequency of Shintaido (Aoki) was 1.8 to 3.3 times large as that of usual case. This is not like high voice in yodel or opera singing. It seems most probable that the training of Shintaido resulted in physically and mentally relaxed states to generate higher sound with concentrated energy. Also tension at pharynx muscle may be different. Altogether extraordinary good feedback control and balancing of mind and body seems to be realized in Aoki's Shintaido. Five vowel sounds at imitating the movement of Shintaido's Tenshingoso by a sportsman showed similar fundamental frequency with persons in general, but its capstrum became somewhat closer to that of Shintaido. Five vowel sounds of "Tenshingoso" (a, e, i, o, u) in Shintaido, a martial art, were sound analyzed and. compared with that of usual vowel. There were difference in PCL capstrum which is the envelope of power spectra. The fundamental frequency of Shintaido (Aoki) was 1.8 to 3.3 times large as that of usual case. This is not like high voice in yodel or opera singing. It seems most probable that the training of Shintaido resulted in physically and mentally relaxed states to generate higher sound with concentrated energy. Also tension at pharynx muscle may be different. Altogether extraordinary good feedback control and balancing of mind and body seems to be realized in Aoki's Shintaido. Five vowel sounds at imitating the movement of Shintaido's Tenshingoso by a sportsman showed similar fundamental frequency with persons in general, but its capstrum became somewhat closer to that of Shintaido.
- 人体科学会の論文
- 2000-05-31
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