田山花袋『生』 : 〈老いゆく/病みゆく身体〉の生成と排除
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This paper aims to consider the image of women's aging / declining body through the study of Tayama Katai's Sei (1908). It will inquire as to how this image originated, and how it came to be excluded from the concept of modern family. Sei has been presented in the genealogy of naturalism literature as an experimental work in the current of 'Heimen-byosha' which is Katai's original theory. On the other hand, it has been interpreted as a work representing the process of reorganization of the family image during the conversion period near the turn of the 20^<th> century. Reconsidering such researches, I examine the controversial topic of women's aging which appears as a nodal point in the history of expression and image of the family; in this novel, the representation of the aged women's body image as a patient. First, I reexamine the aged mother's transition inside her family from the viewpoint of the contemporary legal discourse, and then clarify the connection with its representation in this novel. Finally I prove the paradigm shift regarding 'aging' as prescribed by imperialism.
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