インフォームド・コンセントとメディカルソシアルワーク(<特集>病とは何か・癒しとは何か インフォームド・コンセントとは何か)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, informed consent (IC) is not carried out satisfactorily in order to improve the situation, medical social work (MSW) is essential. While the need for MSW is increasing, it is yet recognized in the medial world of japan in four of the reasons for this fact are as follow (1) Medical doctors take the initiative in the field of medicine and patients become more passive. As a result publish do not try to ask for MSW support. (2) In Japan, medicine only means diagnosis, treatment or nursing of diseases. Solution psychological or social problems of a patient are not considered medical matters, even though they may be related to disease or treatment. (3) Right now, medicine is not administered through team work, and MSW, activities which received patient asking and coordination of medical activities do not operate smoothly yet. (4) In Japan people tend to think that maintaining a good relationship is much more important than realizing their own will or desire. These four factors hinder IC. Now it is necessary to solve these problems. The solution of this problem would also bring the proper situation to make progress IC and establish MSW concretely, which would contribute to IC.
- 日本医学哲学・倫理学会の論文
- 1995-10-01
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