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本稿は,九州大学心理学研究第9巻(143-151,2008)に投稿したものを基に,査読により加筆修正をおこなったものである。本研究の目的は,青年期における自他への攻撃性の相違を明確にし,自己愛傾向との関連を検討することであった。第Ⅰ研究では大学生45名を対象として,自由記述の質問紙を施行し,自他への攻撃性における様相の違いを明らかにした。第Ⅱ研究では,自他への攻撃性と自己愛傾向との関連を詳細に検討するため,大学生328名を対象として自他への攻撃性質問紙と小塩(1998a)の自己愛人格目録短縮版(NPI-S)を用いた質問紙調査を行った。得られたデータを自己愛傾向得点(NPI-S得点)によって4群(過敏型・自己愛傾向High/Low群,無関心型・自己愛傾向High/Low群)に分け,攻撃性得点を従属変数として分散分析を行った。その結果,過敏型自己愛傾向は,自身への攻撃性である「自責感」や「刺激欲求」に影響していることが示された。一方,無関心型自己愛傾向は,自己主張が強く他人のことは気にかけないといった他者への攻撃性である「積極的行動」に大きく影響していることが示された。つまり自他への攻撃性には自己愛傾向が大きく関連しているといえる。The purpose of this study was to make the differences between aggression against oneself and others in adolescence clear, and to examine their connections with the narcissistic personality tendency. In the first study, 45 university students completed a questionnaire to describe aggression freely in order to clarify the different aspects of aggression against oneself and others. In the second study, aggression questionnaire against oneself and others and Narcissistic Personality Inventory Short version (NPI-S) (Oshio, 1998a) were administered to 328 undergraduates to examine aggression against oneself and others and their connections with the narcissistic personality tendency in detail. The data were classified into four narcissist personality tendency groups according to the NPI-S score, and an analysis of variance was performed using aggression score as the dependent variable. As a result, the hypervigilant type narcissism had influences upon "self-reproach" and "stimulation desire" which were aggression against oneself. On the other hand, the oblivious type narcissism was shown to be influencing the “ affirmative action”, that was aggression towards others of being strongly self-assertive and indifferent to others. In other words, it may be said that aggression against oneself and others is related to the narcissistic personality tendency.