- 論文の詳細を見る
Studies were made on the developmental processes of tactics in volleyballs by International rules and on the factors why such tactics had been employed. As a method of study, the records of matches in the Munchen Olympics and Montreal Olympics as well as those in the World Cups and the World Championships, etc. were taken up. In Table 8, Ja stands for JIKANSA, Jb for HITORIJIKANSA, H for HEIKO, S.D. for Setter's Direct Attacks, Back for Back Attacks and S.B. for Service Blocks. As a result of studies, it is considered that the tactics in 6-player volleyballs have been developed step-by-step by three factors. The 1st factor is concerned with the participation of the Japanese team in the Tokyo Olympic Games , in which quick attacking was introduced into 6-player volleyballs, serving as a momentum thereafter to the development changes in tactics. The 2nd factor has a concern with the weak point in blocking that is peculiar to quick attacking, and with the revision in the blocking rule in the Tokyo Olympic Games. The geometrical effects of the said weakness and the revision in the rule led to the development of new tactics of various sorts and height factor was also added. The 3rd factor is concerned with the 2nd revision effected in the blocking rule in the Montreal Olympic Games. This revision brought about further progress in the blocking technique, and in order to cope with such techniques, more speedy and more complicated tactics were required, and as a result, it is thought that the tactics of today, which is complicated and of high level and which requires height and speed has been developed. Development of tactics may be continued, however, as there is a limit to height and speed, complexity may further be sought. It is considered that upbringing of all-round players will be required from now on more and more strongly.
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