健康福祉科学と体育学科の介護等に関する意識調査と学生気質の考察 : 過去6年間(1995年から2000年)の調査から
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Sendai College consists of two departments; the one is Physical Education (PE) and the other is Health and Welfare Science (HWS). In order to study the students' intension for life style and nursing care, questionnaires were conducted in Sendai College, another college and a carrier school. As a result, female students of Sendai College are more concerned in nursing care than those in other college and a carrier school. The students of HWS have also been more interested in care than those in PE. Both the students of Sendai College and those of other college, and a carrier school expect living with their marriage couple. Irrespective of departments, the students of HWS have hoped to care their parents not with other member but by themselves.
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- 健康福祉科学と体育学科の介護等に関する意識調査と学生気質の考察 : 過去6年間(1995年から2000年)の調査から
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