生涯発達における自立と孤立 : 愛着理論の視点から
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This paper considers the independence in life-span human development by contrasting with the isolation through elaborating the attachment theory, child abuse and its effects. The paper is organized in the following way: Section 1 details independence and isolation in Japanese, and in psychology - from dependency to independence. Section 2 considers differences of dependence and attachment and Independence networked on attachment through examining attachment theory. Section 3 outlines meaning of and the actual situation of child abuse. Section 4 considers isolation as attachment disorder = detachment through discussing the attachment disorder due to child abuse and its effects. Section 5 argues meaning of independence in life-span human development. In particular independence of children and parents, independence as symbiosis-otherness in independence are argued. At last, resilience in human development and selfness in independence is discussed.
- 創価大学の論文
- 国語科授業の認知過程と情意過程に影響する要因の検討
- 生涯発達における自立と孤立 : 愛着理論の視点から
- デイヴィッド・L・ノートン著, 加藤寛孝監訳, 『幸福主義社会への途』, 第三文明社, 2001年
- 子ども一人ひとりの「人間」を観るまなざし
- 文化的実践への参加としての(問題解決)の教授,学習論
- 1-2 教育評価理論の構造に関する一考察 : 技術論・機能論・価値論の視点から(原理・方法A)
- 716 授業研究における「個」の捉え方に関する試論(学力・教師の態度,教授過程2,教授過程)