- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to compare three methods for estimation of rotator cuff muscle volumes. We performed MR scans of 30 shoulders and determined the cross-sectional areas of rotator cuff muscles with three methods. In Method 1, the cross-sections were determined on a single image (Y-shaped image). In Method 2, the cross-sections were calculated from two images: Y-shaped image and an image located medially, twice the distance from the glenoid articular surface compared to the Y-shaped image. In Method 3, the cross-sections were calculated from three images at the borderline of the lateral fourth, at midpoint, and at the medial fourth of the muscle. We compared the results of these three methods with the volume of the multiple MRI image reconstruction. Peason's correlation coefficient for Method 1 were 0.569, 0.823, 0.748, for Method 2, 0.855, 0.907, 0.817 and Method 3, 0.894, 0.930, 0.820 for the supraspinatus, infraspinatus/teres minor and subscapularis muscle volume when compared with the volumes determined by the multiple image reconstruction method. The Bland-Altman method showed better agreement with multiple MRI image reconstruction, using Method 3, to determine supraspinatus, infraspinatus/teres minor, and subscapuralis muscle volumes. All methods can be used for quantitative assessment of rotator cuff muscle volumes. However Method 3 is more accurate for the evaluation of supraspinatus, infraspinatus/teres minor and subscapularis muscle.
- 九州共立大学の論文
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