Skill Formation in the Japanese Manufacturing Industry : an empirical analysis of diversified regular workers
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日本における製造業の技能形成について、その歴史を概観するとともに、最新事例による実証研究を行った。業種は自動車産業(完成車メーカー)、鉄鋼業、自動車部品産業である。多様化する正社員の技能形成について、関連職種の職務拡大が効果的な水平型と、職務充実により深く専門的な技能の修得を要する垂直型とに分類し考察した。特に後者においては、日本の競争力の源泉にかかる技能形成形態として、「養成工」タイプの育成を通じて若年層を鍛え上げている事例を取りあげている。そうした精緻な原型を作成する養成工とコンピュータ・システムによる自動化の融合とを以てグローバル戦略を展開している部品産業の事例を詳しく分析した。Under the pressure of an aging society, Japanese manufacturing industries are evolving new shop floor Human Resource Development (HRD) strategies to overcome young male labour shortage for the core workforce. These strategies feature implementing effective skill formation and its succession programs on a significant scale that will open internal labour markets to (1) aged and female workers, (2) college/university graduates,and (2)'pre-retirement experienced senior workers as instructors for skill succession to maintain international competitiveness in accordance with the industry's two basic skill types: ((1) "horizontal multi-skilling"; mainly characteristic of assembly workshops and skills are formed mainly by job enlargement, and "vertical multi-skilling"; mainly neededfor (2) steel working and (2)' mechanical workshops where proficient skills are required.Regarding "vertical multi-skilling", the empirical study indicates that companies' HRDpolicies have changed to utilize, on one hand, college/university graduates to createknowledge-driven workplaces based on the computer systems. On the other hand, some competitive companies utilize aged workers to foster systematic training style, which occasionally adopt traditional quasi-yoseiko style, that is, systematic apprenticeship style in-firm training for high school graduates. A distinctive point of the latter is that the prototype of the products developed in such traditional style in Japan is deployed worldwide to produce final products to fit each market by a highly automated productionsystem. This creates Japan's manufacturing competitive edge as a result.
- Skill Formation in the Japanese Manufacturing Industry : an empirical analysis of diversified regular workers
- 製造業における雇用システムの変化とその展望 : 少子・高齢化社会を見据えての採用および人的資源開発の変化 (石川信男教授退任記念号)
- 製造業における雇用システムの変化とその展望--少子・高齢化社会を見据えての採用および人的資源開発の変化