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<Objective> With the ASL5000^<TM> lung simulator (IngMar Medical, Pittsburg, USA), nonlinear pressure-volume curves can be drawn, but their accuracy has not been clarified. In this study, pressure-volume curves obtained with the ASL5000^<TM> were compared with those obtained with the super-syringe method to investigate accuracy. <Methods> The upper inflection point (UIP) of the lung simulator was set at 25cmH_2O, while the lower inflection point (LIP) was set at either 5, 10, or 15cmH_2O. Under each condition, airway resistance was set at either 10 or 50cmH_2O/L/sec. After connecting a syringe to the lung simulator, air was injected from 0 to 600mL in 20ml, increments, and pressure-volume curves were drawn by the super-syringe method or the lung simulator. <Results> The pressure-volume curves obtained with the super-syringe method were mostly comparable to those obtained with the lung simulator. Irrespective of airway resistance, LIP and UIP were mostly comparable between the super-syringe method and the lung simulator method. <Conclusion> The results suggest a high level of reliability for nonlinear pressure-volume curves obtained with the ASL5000^<TM> lung simulator.
- 日本医療機器学会の論文
- 2009-02-01
桑迫 勇登
桑迫 勇登
昭和大学 麻酔科
飯塚 浩基
水沼 大
小島 三貴子
篠田 威人
鈴木 保良
高道 恭生
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