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During last 7 years from 1821 to 1927, 89 patients of acute phosphorous poisoning caused by "Nekoirezu", -rat-poison, -were admitted to our hospiral and its clinical and statistical observations obtained will be summarized by author as followes: 1. 151 patients who took various poisons were treated in our hospital during last 7 years, and 89 out of them, viz., 59 per cent was of phosphorous poisoning which had a majority of them. 2. 50 out of 89 cases were male and 39, female, namely the former is superior in quantities to the latter. 3. Ages of phosphorous poisoned persons:- Ages between 21 and 30 had a majority of 59 cases, -67%-and age of 14 was the lowest and age of 70 was the highest. 4. 9 out of 39 female cases had menstruation on abministering poison and 3 were in pre-menstrual period, namely, 12 cases, -30,7%, -were estimated. 5. Occupation:- In male, auch classes as workman, employee, etc., were the majority and in female, ceses of 8 prostitutions were attracted much attention and still suicidal poisoning cases of legal wife were also relatively many. 6. Relations to the season of administering poison was the highest in April and in those 5 months from July ty Novembr it decreased the number. 7. Dosis of administering poison is various from a small grain to 54 grams and some took repeatedly and the others, with other drugs at the same time. 8. Method of administration:- Many took poison internally wrapped with oblate (wafer) and it estimated 29 cases. 9. On administering poison. 6 cases refrained from food in advance and some took "Tempura", -fried food, -or milk just before administering poison which is contraindication to phosphor. 10. New and old of "Nekoirazu"-rat poison-, remarkably effects upon the prognosis of poisoning. 11. In 85 out of 89 cases excluding 4 which are uncertain, 49 cases had died, viz., the mortality was 57,6 per cent. Above all, it estimated 32 cases which died within 24 hours and the earliest desth appeared in 4 hours and 30 minutes after administration The average duration of 17 cases which died after 24 hours was 3 days and 15 hours. 12. The solution of copper sulphate as gastric lavage was considered to be superior to that of potassium permanganate. 13. The majority of "Nekoirazu"-poisoned patients had momentarily slight fever under 38℃ and it was generally many in early stage though it was indefinite. Complication was always observed whenever associated with high fever up 39℃. The body-temperature of patient died within 24 hours was either normal or subnormal. 14. The lowering of blood pressare began on the following day after abministering poison, reached to the lowest on the 4th to 5th day, and then gradually highened until it regained to its original grade after 9 days. 15. On poisoning of phosphor the numder of red-blood-corpuscles as well as the amount of hemoglobin was nearly in normal and the both were always paralleled with. 16. In 22 cases the number of leucocytes was increased remarkably in 3 cases and slightly in 4 cases and particularly the increasing of lymphocytes was marked. 17. Wassermann's reaction was positive in 24 per cent., namely patients auffered from syphilis were seen relatively in larger number. 18. On acute phosphorous poisoning no particularity was investigated in the cerebro-spinal fluid. 19. The hypertrophy of liver was observed in 44 out of 57 cases but icterus was proved in 12 cases only and it was also passed on in slight grade. Patients who died within 24 hours were not showed both liver-hypertrophy and icterus. 20. Albumin in urine was tested in 78,4 per cent within 48 hours after administering poison and the earliest appearance of albuminuria was proved in 3 hours and 40 minutes.
- 京都府立医科大学の論文