土壌調査による火山岩類の層序区分とその空間分布の把握 : 中米グァテマラ国南東部の予察的土壌調査結果からの検討
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The area studied for agricultural and rural development in the south-estern region of Guatemala, Cenetral America, lies on mountainous plains, dissected hilly lands and coastal plains, and mainly underlain by Volcanic rocks, pyroclastic deposits and alluvil sediments. The soils in the area may be classified into 32 types and can be differentiated into 6 groups considering soil profile development and soil chemical properties; i. e. Red-yellow Soil Group, Brown Soil Group, Heavy Clayey Soil Group, Scoria Soil Group, Andosols Group and Alluvial Soil Group. Alluvial deposits, Tephra deposits of volcanic ash and of layered scoria and Volcanic rock formations are observed as the parent materials of the soils. On the other hand, a few soils which are overlain by tephra and/or volcanic formations (buried osils) are found and could be divided into two (2) types; i. e. Red type and Brown type. Both type are considered to fit in the Soil Classification of the Area. The Red type is correlative with the Red-yellow Soil Group and the Brown type is correlative with the Brown Soil Group. Consequently, both Red-yellow and Brown Soil Groups that are found on the surface in the Area could be considered as relict soils. Through considerations of the relationship among overlying formations of the buried soils, the relict soils on the surface and their parent materials, the units of the Soil Group and its parent material in the Area could be divided into at least four (4) stratigraphical units: Alluvial Soil/Alluvial Deposits Unit, Andsols/Volcam'c Ash and Scoria Soil/Layered Scoria Unit, Brown Soil/Upper Volanic Rocks Unit and Red-yellow Soil/Lower Volanic Rocks Unit. Considering the classification of the stratigraphical units of Soil Group/parent material and the soil development, the development periods of the soils in the Area also are differentiated into four (4) groups: Shortest group of Alluvial Soil, Second shortest Group of Andsols/Scoria Soil, Middle Group of Brown Soil and Longest Group of Red-yellow Soil. In addition, the spatial distributions of the geological formations in the Area are obtained from the Soil Map which refers to the relationship between the stratigraphical units and the Soil Groups, with no complicate process. Thus, the above considerations suggest that the soil survey results could be useful to estimate the volcano-stratigraphy and the distribution of the geological formations.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1994-11-25
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- 土壌調査による火山岩類の層序区分とその空間分布の把握 : 中米グァテマラ国南東部の予察的土壌調査結果からの検討