四国・別子地域の三波川帯の層序と構造 : とくに横臥褶曲構造の再検討
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In the Besshi district of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, the highest temperature part of the metamorphism occurs in the middle stratigraphic horizon. So, the existence of largescale recumbent anticlines has been proposed by HIDE et al. (1956) and other geologists. Then we report on the results of our reexamination of those recumbent folds. We restore metamorphic formations to the original states. Most of the original rocks are pelitic, psammitic, siliceous and basic rocks, and gabbroic and ultrabasic intrusive rocks. The discrimination between basic schists, which are originated in basic tuff or lava, and amphibolites derived from gabbroic intrusive rocks is of much importance to precise mapping. The criteria of the discrimination between them are made of following points; banded structure, schistosity, gabbroic texture, grain size, albite porphyroblast and zonal structure of clinozoisite. Then we construct the stratigraphy and clarify the geologic structure, based upon the tracing of marker beds. It becomes clear that the large-scale recumbent anticlines never exist in this district. Not the recumbent fold strucrure but the monoclinic structure of northward dipping controls the Sanbagawa belt of the Besshi district. On the basis of the established stratigraphy and geologic structure, we point out the possibility that the thermal structure of the Besshi district was formed owing to the thermal supply of the original rocks of the amphibolite, namely, gabbroic intrusive rocks.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1980-01-25
高須 晃
Department Of Geosciences Faculty Of Science And Engineering Shimane University
高須 晃
牧野 州明
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