57. 大震火災都市における復興計画に関する研究 : 北但馬地震(1925)における城崎町、豊岡町の事例(IX. 都市復興と生活再建 その1,第IXセッション,第8回(平成10年度)地域安全学会研究発表会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Many cities were suffered from Earthquake and Big Fire in Japan, and many plannings were made at the time. This paper is written about the cases of Kinosaki town and Toyooka town suffered from Kitatajima Earthquake in 1925. These two plans were made in the same time, but their characters were very different each other. The principal points were the system of cooperation with people living in the town, the budget for the reconstruction of the town, and the urban planning for the safety and security. We compared Kinosaki planning with Toyooka, and brought out the essence of reconstruction planning.
- 57. 大震火災都市における復興計画に関する研究 : 北但馬地震(1925)における城崎町、豊岡町の事例(IX. 都市復興と生活再建 その1,第IXセッション,第8回(平成10年度)地域安全学会研究発表会)
- 60. 阪神・淡路大震災における住宅自力再建の状況 : 平成10年3月に行ったアンケート調査の結果から(X. 都市復興と生活再建 その2,第Xセッション,第8回(平成10年度)地域安全学会研究発表会)