5 キャリア・エンジンとしての国内MBAの課題^[○!R] : 国内MBAと企業への意識調査から(MOTと21世紀の経営課題)
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The MBA degrees obtained from American universities as the top management qualification have been enjoying a considerable increase in popularity. However, doubts exist concerning successful careers among Japanese MBA degree holders in Japan. This is clearly shown in a research project which aimed to examine the career problems among Japanese MBA degree holders and to look at human resources management, values of MBA degrees, job hopping of among MBA degree holders, and future demand toward MBA degree holders, etc. This research also identified some problem areas which lies in the attitudinal gaps between MBA degree holders and companies. The research concludes that MBA degree holder's main career problems are human resources management which does not reflect MBA degree as a certificate. The MBA degree holders do not feel that their abilities are properly utilized within the influenced of the seniority system and their discontents may lead to the possibility of future job hopping tendencies among MBA degree holders.
- 日本経営教育学会の論文
- 2005-03-30
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- 5 キャリア・エンジンとしての国内MBAの課題^[○!R] : 国内MBAと企業への意識調査から(MOTと21世紀の経営課題)
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