- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors have proposed a method of managing fallow paddy fields to control the growth of weeds and to maintain conditions for their potential as paddy fields by irrigation of fields at a depth of 15cm. However, the growth of paddy field weeds varies with the condition (kind and quantity) of seed buried in the soil, natural conditions such as air temperature, and regional difference in growth distribution have been reported. We investigated the kind and quantity of weeds that occurred in six fallow paddy fields in Ehime Prefecture during the six years from 2002 to 2007. Geographical features and surrounding conditions varied in the fields. The fields were managed according to the method of irrigating fallow paddy fields proposed by the authors. As a result, though the kind and quantity were different, weeds which appeared in each fallow paddy field could be restrained at a level at which the paddy field could be returned to use easily. Also, it was proved that the proposed method was effective in management and control of fallow paddy fields. Moreover, information about the control of weeds was obtained, for example, that once weeds have appeared when the depth of water becomes shallow, we cannot control their growth even if the water is made deeper.
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