5548 建築デザインリテラシー論の構築への試み(その1) : 内装設計における中国設計者の各国内装材製品の選択結果に関する国際比較から(建築設計理論,建築計画I)
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In current wave of globalization, interior decoration materials from all over the world are flooding into China, which expand various selections for professional as well as non-professional interior designers. This research attempts to investigate the non-professional designers' selection of materials from the U.S., Europe, Japan and China. The researcher conducted a survey on interior design cases by 343 non-professional designers. In general, the study found that non-professional designer showed distinct preferences on material choosing based on their impression of the source of the materials. Analysis of statistics demonstrates that materials designed and produced by the US, Europe and China yield more distinctive impressions, either positive or negative. Yet, materials from Japan, though considered as all-aspect orientation in their design and production, left only vague impressions. This research brings forward the concept "Architectural design literacy", which believes a designer, when designing and evaluating designs, should be able to judge whether certain materials are pleasing to the eye, easy to use, and easy to maintain.
- 2008-07-20
- 空間デザイン傾向に関する国際比較研究 : 中国, 日本, 欧州, 米国インテリア(建材)製品の評価の比較
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- 5548 建築デザインリテラシー論の構築への試み(その1) : 内装設計における中国設計者の各国内装材製品の選択結果に関する国際比較から(建築設計理論,建築計画I)
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