育児不安と虐待 : 子育ては楽しいですか?
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Abuse consultation by telephone is conducted at a child abuse prevention center. The content of this telephone consultation displays much child-rearing uneasiness about abuse from the mother. A questionnaire was conducted. The target population was a mother, living in Tokyo, and with a 6-year-old (or less) child. We analyzed the results using the Maternal Consciousness measure. The feeling of negative consciousness was influenced by the relation with the husband and the childcare cooperator's existence. According to the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), groups with the high expression of negative Maternal consciousness were a low care and high protection. It was suggested that various types of support for the mother is important for maintaining motherhood.
- 性差の観点からみた日本の薬物乱用者の特徴
- 育児不安と虐待 : 子育ては楽しいですか?
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