Homology groups of box complexes of chordal graphs (Research trends on general and geometric topology and their problems)
- 拡大的同相写像の存在しない空間について(力学系の研究)
- Homology groups of box complexes of chordal graphs (Research trends on general and geometric topology and their problems)
- 連続関数環の(近似)n 乗根について(可換Banach環と種々の分野との交流)
- Lusternik-Schnirelmann type invariants for Menger manifolds(General Topology and Related Problems)
- Homeomorphism group の評価写像について(位相空間論とその周辺分野の研究)
- Positively expansive maps on graphs(Cohomological Dimension and Soft Maps)
- Homogeneous space について(Shape理論及びGeometric Topologyの研究)
- 区間力学系の inverse limit について(位相.次元.集合 : 未解決問題と応用)
- Homotopy type of the box complexes of graphs without 4-cycles (General and geometric topology today and their problems)
- The box complexes of graphs without 3 and 4-cycles (一般位相幾何学及び幾何学的トポロジーとその応用--RIMS研究集会報告集)