- 論文の詳細を見る
When we explore the development of the mental life of a child, we do not overlook the significance of objective conditions in providing possibilities and limits. Both heredity and environment influence the formation of psychic prototype of the personality. A. Adler pointed out the importance of organ inferiority which results from heredity. He emphasized the importance of birth order as one of environmental factors, too. But he found it necessary to assume the existence of another factor, the "creative power"of the individual, which enables him to seek his goal as he judges best. The creative power casts into movement all the objective conditions, a movement toward the goal which he creates in response to his environment. Every individual is regarded as a goal-directed and purposeful whole. His fictional goal is the unifying principle of personality. Thus Adler combined the holistic concept with the teleological approach, as R. Dreikurs indicated. The consistent movement toward the goal was called a style of life by Adler, which has been variously equated with the self, a man's own personality, individuality, individual form of creative activity, the whole attitude to life and others. The style of life is developed in earliest childhood and is not changed so long as the individual does not fully realize the discrepancies regarding the demands of social problems. A child, being weak, feels inferior and strives to develop along a line of direction fixed by the goal which he chooses for himself. Then it is very important that the child seeks for his superiority in increasingly useful ways. Only when the striving for superiority of the child is united with social interest, his inferiority will be compensated in any socially useful way. The purpose of education is, therefore, to increase the social interest of the child.
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