記録映画制作の問題点 : 「やすらい祭の記録」を完成して(日本映像学会第二回大会特集号)
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In 1973 we two tried to produce a documentary film of Yasurai Matsuri, which was a traditional festival in Kyoto. At first we intended to fix the ritual process as a reality on the film. But we encountered two cofronting standpoints in order to film it. One is a pure documentary, and the other is an artistic creation. Here we reflect again some problems, subject of expression, cameraman's technique, scenario and choice of objects, on the process of producing and editing.
- 日本映像学会の論文
- 1977-06-10
日本映像学会 | 論文
- レヴュー アン・ウィルクス・タッカー、デーナ・フリース=ハンセン、金子隆一、竹葉丈編『The History of Japanese Photography』Ann Wilkes Tucker, Dana Friis-Hansen, Kaneko Ryuichi, Takeba Joe, eds
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- レヴュー ドゥルーズ『シネマ』の英米圏における受容(1)哲学的理解から映画論の再考に向けて スティーヴン・シャヴィロ『The Cinematic Body』 D.N.ロドウィック『Gilles Deleuze's Time Machine』
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