1960年代韓国造船業の混迷 : 大韓造船公社の設備拡張計画を巡る一連の過程とその帰結
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This paper aims to identify the factors hampering development of the South Korean shipbuilding industry in the 1960s by analyzing the drafting, launching and suspension of a series of facility expansion plans by Daehan Joseon Gongsa (the Korean Shipbuilding Public Corporation). This process eventually led to the privatization of this nationally-owned corporation. The process was strikingly different to that which characterized the development of the South Korean shipbuilding industry from the 1970s onward. The paper discusses government evaluations of the corporation on the basis of government documents still accessible today, concluding that the privatization of the corporation resulted from a government view that it no longer played a leading role in the South Korean shipbuilding industry. The official reason for the downgrading of the company was because it failed to introduce the facilities and technology required to compete in the expanded international shipbuilding market. Ultimately the government lacked confidence in the corporation's ability to secure orders after expansion. The paper then moves on to the 1970s, and the entrance to the shipbuilding industry of the Hyundai group, which has led the South Korean shipbuilding industry ever since. It shows how Hyundai tackled the same issues that defeated the Korean shipbuilding public corporation in a totally different way. It can safely be said that this new approach gave an essential boost to the development of the South Korean shipbuilding industry of the 1970s.
- 2002-10-20
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