懸垂振動におけるあふり技術について(1) : 前後振動におけるあふり技術について
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The long-arm swing type stunts among the high-bar exercises are divided into four main techniques: the free hip circle backward stunts, swing uprise stunts, backward giant swing stunts, and forward giant swing stunts. This investigation paid special attention to the swinging aspect of the long-arm swing, which is a basic technique in school physical education programs. The swinging is utilized in the long-arm swing in four main manuevers: the free hip circle backward preceeded by the forward swing, the backward giant swing preceeded by the forward swing, the swing uprise preceeded by the backward swing, and the foreward giant swing preceeded by the backword swing. The purpose of this study was to examine how a whip technique varied biomechanically in accordance with the differences in contents of these manuevers. This study attempted to ascertain usefulness of the whip technique in long-arm swing by comparing three skillful subjects with three inexperienced subjects. The whip technique preceeded by the foward swing begins with the shoulders and hips in a relaxed state. The body, then, is dropped, and, at the same time, the shoulder joints are swiftly opened more than 180 degree. Thus, the velocity of the swing is quickly slowed down so that the force is transferred from the upper extremities to the lower extremities. The rotational radius of the swinging arc becomes bigger by the extension of hips and relaxation of shoulder girdles. The swinging arc creates more power to increase the speed of the swinging toes and to swing the body foward and up. Thus, the whip technique preceeded by the forward swing is to be led by the shoulders accelerating the body while the hips are flexed and then extended. On the other hand, the whip technique preceeded by the backward swing begins with shoulders and hips in a relaxed state. The body hyperextended by the toe leading swing while the hips are being extended. Then, the shoulders and hips are relaxed to swing the body backward and up. Since the inexperienced subjects are unable to master the relaxation of shoulder girdles, which is the fundamental technique of the long-arm swing, their swing requires an unnecessary exertion of strength. The researcher wishes to investigate the whip technique in the free hip circle backward, backward giant swing, swing uprise, and forward giant swing in the future.
- 東京女子体育大学・東京女子体育短期大学の論文
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