識字率の高低と生活資源の結合/分解の枠組から導出される意思決定の傾向 : ネパールのラウテ族、チェパン族、タマン族におけるインタビュー調査
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In the field of international cooperation, modern decision-making methods which are mainly from business administration or economics have been transferred. Decision-making methods have also been made research in the field of cultural anthropology using the different methods such as dream, inspiration and the God. However, the integration of the two decision-making methods has not been made academically. The purpose of this study is to clarify the framework which integrates the two decision-making methods and find out the trend of decision-making methods by regional characteristics. The study starts to break regional characteristics into patterns using two axes of literacy and life resources, and to set up the trend of decision-making methods. The investigation is made by conducting non-structural interviews to three ethic groups in Nepal: Tamang, Chepang and Raute, which correspond the patterns respectively. Findings indicate that ethic groups which have low literacy rate and binding of life resources tend to use supernatural and consultative decision-making methods. On the other hand, ethic groups which have high literacy rate and breakdown of life resources hardly use the decision-making methods. The intermediate ethic groups which have high literacy rate and binding of life resources and have low literacy rate and breaking down of life resources partially use supernatural and consultative decision-making methods. The study shows that the link of decision-making methods which have been studied in the field of business administration or economics and cultural anthropology could find in the framework of high-low literacy rate and binding-breakdown of life resources. The framework leads to find the trend of decision-making methods by regional characteristics. The findings clarify the needs to develop and transfer the decision-making methods which have used in cultural anthropology in the field of international cooperation.
- 中部大学の論文
竹下 正哲
綾部 誠
カナル キソル・チャンドラ
綾部 誠
カナル キソル・チャンドラ
カナル キソル・チャンドラ
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- 識字率の高低と生活資源の結合/分解の枠組から導出される意思決定の傾向 : ネパールのラウテ族、チェパン族、タマン族におけるインタビュー調査
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