グローバリゼーションと多国籍企業(第7セッション グローバリゼーション,20世紀資本主義-歴史と方法の再検討-,創立五十周年記念大会報告集)
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After the 1980s, the globalization of the world economy, which is developed by multinational corporations(MNCs) operating worldwide, has posed the following questions. First, what impacts has the global network of intra-firm trade and international production of MNCs on the interests of themselves, of the host countries and of the home countries of them? Second, while the Keynesian welfare state which has be adopted by many industrial countries is now retreating, deregulation or liberalization of trade and investment in these countries and international cooperation are accelerating. How can we appreciate these? Are they reflections of 'the retreat of the state' or 'the internationalizing of the state'? Third, what are the consequences of the globalization? The change of international economic order, friction and cooperation between nation states and firms, inequality of globalization are the problems to be pursued in this paper. When we discuss the globalization of economy and the 'decline' of the nation state, the globalizing economy has been set against the nation state embodying nationalism. But MNCs do not always accelerate the globalism. They are not only the promoters of the globalism, but would sustain the nationalism. On the other hand, the nation state propels 'the internationalizing of the state' in accordance with the economic globalism, and keeps nationalism against globalism at the same time. These relations between globalism and nationalism will make it necessary to form alliances of MNCs and coordination of nation states, or to compete between MNCs and to conflict between nation states.
- 1999-09-30
- グローバリゼーションと多国籍企業(第7セッション グローバリゼーション,20世紀資本主義-歴史と方法の再検討-,創立五十周年記念大会報告集)
- 中村雅秀著, 『開発と世界経済-パクス・アメリカーナと発展途上国-』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2000年, xvi+278頁