A Comparative Edition of the Old and New Tibetan Translations of the Samdhinirmocana-sutra (I)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A single folio, Stein tib. no. 683, and Stein tib. no. 194, consisting of 49 folios, together constitute a manuscript of the old Tibetan translation of the Samdhinirmocana-sutra. The significance of these 50 folios was discussed previously by me.1) The present work is an edition of these folios, compared with the new Tibetan translation of the same sutra. The texts of both trans-lations are presented on facing pages: the old one on right sides and the new one (Peking ed.) on left sides, in order to facilitate constant reference of each. This work is scheduled to be completed by publishing the word index to our edition in the near furture. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Komazawa University which gave me a grant-in-aid for this research in 1985, and to my collaborators, Seiji Kimura 木村誠司 and Hiroaki Arai, 荒井裕明 who transliterated the last two thirds of both Tibetan translations.
- 駒澤大学の論文
- 『維摩経』批判資料
- 悪業払拭の儀式関連経典雑考(IV)
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- 柳田聖山著, 『未来からの禅』, 本文、二三六頁(目次、あとがきを含む), 一九九〇年一月二十五日初版第一刷発行, 京都、人文書院, 定価税込、一、四四二円
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- 悪業払拭の儀式関連経典雑考(III)
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- A Comparative Edition of the Old and New Tibetan Translations of the Samdhinirmocana-sutra-3完-
- 批判としての学問
- A Comparative Edition of the Old and New Tibetan Translations of the Samdhinirmocana-sutra (II)
- A Comparative Edition of the Old and New Tibetan Translations of the Samdhinirmocana-sutra (I)
- 京都学派批判
- 差別事象を生み出した思想的背景に関する私見
- 宣長の仏教批判雑考
- 唯識文献における無分別智
- 小谷信千代著, 『大乗荘厳経論の研究』, 本文、三〇二頁(索引、あとがきを含む), 前付、二頁, 目次、三頁, 昭和五十九年三月, 京都, 文栄堂書店刊, 七、八〇〇円
- The Old and New Tibetan Translations of the Samdhinirmocana-sutra : Some Notes on the History of Early Tibetan Translation
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