1870年代-1914年のフランスにおける通貨流通 : 景気循環および地域との関連において
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The main features of the circulation of money in France before World War I are the huge amount of metal stock (coins and bullion) and of bank notes, and the backwardness of deposit currency. This paper aims principally to examinate the causes and effects of these features from a geographical point of view. Analysing the "Enqates sur la circulation monetaire et fiduciaire", executed by the Ministry of Finance six times between 1878 and 1909, we can point out three major contrasts in the French circulation of money: the contrast between industrial dkpartements and agricultural ones; that between bank notes, gold coins, and silver coins; and that between the period of depression and the period of prosperity. Briefly, the proportions of industrial departements in the circulation of bank notes increased in the period of depression (1885-1897) but decreased during the period of prosperity (1897-1909). On the other hand, the proportions of agricultural dkpartements decreased in the period of depression but increased in the period of prosperity. The movements of gold coins were the opposite of this: the proportions of industrial departements decreased in the period of depression (1878-1891, in this case) but increased during the period of prosperity (1891-1909). The proportions of agricultural departements in the circulation of gold coins, however, increased in the period of depression but decreased during the period of prosperity. Finally, the movements of silver coins were very different from the other movements: silver coins moved, without apparent influence of the business cycles, from agricultural departements to industrial ones and concentrated themselves in the latter departements. What caused these contrasts? Banking activities and deposit currency developed chiefly in a few industrial departements; the proportions of industrial departements in the circulation of bank notes decreased after 1897, because the means of payments were shifting there from bank notes to deposit currency. On the other hand, in agricultural departements, there were no means other than bank notes to deal with the growth of payments caused by economic development during the "Bell epoque".
- 1983-04-20
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