18世紀後半におけるノルマンディ綿業生産の展開 : フランス産業革命の歴史的前提
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On the eve of French Revolution, Normandie was known as one of the most industrial provinces in France for its cotton industry which was found extensively in those days in the privileged town of Rouen and its country districts, especially in the region of Caux. This industry had been depressed for several years under the industrial crisis after the Commercial Treaty between. France and England (1786), and through the social and economic disorder of the Revolution. But as the order was restored and the economic protectionism was established under the Consulat and the Premier Empire, the industrial prosperity was soon recovered by the introduction of machinism (=mainly spinning machines, for example, jennies, mules)-which was the real beginning of the Industrial Revolution in France. Therefore, it is in the Normandie cotton industry in the latter half of the 18th century that we can research the economic and social pre-conditions of the Industrial Revolution in France. The aim of this study is to make these conditions clear, inquiring into the points as follows : (1) What were the fundamental characteristics of the production system of the Normandie cotton industry? (2) During the Ancien Regime industries were mainly controled by privileged towns which chiefly promote the economic policy of the Monarchy; and in Normandie Rouen was the privileged town. With the development of the Normandie cotton industry, how did this role of Rouen change? (3) How had the economic conditions of the introduction of machinism grown out of the Normandie cotton industry in the end of the 18th century?
- 1967-07-20
論文 | ランダム
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