『幸福な王子』における表層と深層 : 死に向かうベクトル
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In this story "The Happy Prince," Oscar Wilde made some pieces of beautiful episodes in Egypt where the Swallow flew to every year. It is the key to understanding this story whether we could discover what kind of elements of Greek and Egyptian myths are there in those episodes. The contents of those stories were getting darker and darker as the Prince and the Swallow got close to the final moment. That is the crucial point for adult readers. And this story has another aspect for young children. Before becoming blind, the Happy Prince told the Swallow that 'Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow, do as I command you.' And then, the Swallow plucked out the Prince's another eye. Why was the Swallow so obedient to the Prince? There is "a virtue of love and respect" between them precedent to their homosexual relationship. Not so much a lover but rather a master was the Prince to the Swallow who was guided by him to know the devoting relationship to others with self-sacrifice.
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