Optimization in Sea and Air Transport Utilizing Genetic Algorithm
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In recent years, sea and air transport has become a big trend. Getting an optimal solution with minimum costs (freight cost, warehouse cost) under certain constraints (delivery due date etc.) must be sought. Formerly, we made a mathematical formulation of the fundamental case (a single supply site and a single demand site with multiple delivery dates/different delivery quantities) and next we expanded the objective function from considering transportation costs to considering transportation costs and warehouse stock fees. Under certain constraints, a minimum costs was pursued. In this paper, the objective function is expanded to considering a reduced cost for the volume of lots. Here, a reduced cost of the volume discount when multiple lots are transported using the same type of transport is also taken into account. New selection method, "Multi-step tournament selection method" which is suitable for this problem is devised and utilized in this paper. Simple numerical examples are examined for cases of considering volume discount using genetic algorithm. Optimal solution is derived using genetic algorithm. Various methods of solution should be examined hereafter.
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