スハルト体制期インドネシアの華人同化運動 : バコム(Bakom-PKB)の予備的考察
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This article examines the process of formation, its background, profile of core members and their discourse at the first stage of Bakom-PKB (Badan komunikasi Penghayatan Kesatuan Bangsa), a semi-official organization founded in 1977 to promote "assimilation" of citizens of Chinese descent(hereafter "Chinese") into Indonesian state and society in the name of "National Unity" (Kesatuan Bangsa). Placing founding process of the organization in the historical background, the author points out some factors why Bakom-PKB was set up at that timing, i.e., 1)Consolidation of bureaucratic hierarchy, especially of Ministry of Home Affairs, and expansion of its mission to the "National Unity" areas, including control of Chinese; 2) Need to maintain loyalty of Chinese to Indonesia in the period of post-Malari affairs (1974 and after), when priority for economic activity was given to pribumi (indigenous) businessmen, while Chinese were institutionally distinguished and discriminated; 3)Government's search for restoration of diplomatic relationship with People's Republic of China, and need to prepare the circumstances to naturalize a million of people with Chinese or ambiguous citizenship. 4) Resurgence of Chinese assimilationists who believe that Indonesia-born peranakan Chinese per se to be integrated part of Indonesian nation so that there should be no distinction or discrimination between pribumi and Chinese as long as they would be good Indonesian citizens. Reviewing organizational feature of Bakom-PKB and profiles of core members of the central board, this paper further examines discourse of some leaders. Sindhunata, the head of executive committee who were a peranakan Chinese himself, emphasized primordial tie of local-born Chinese (peranakan) with Indonesia. He then condemned racial prejudice as one of main obstacles to realize "one homogeneous society" without any discrimination. Sindhunata also alerted the tendency, seen both among people and government, to reproduce distinction between pribumi and Chinese overtly or covertly. Amirmachmud, who became the "Guardian" of the Bakom-PKB as the Minister of Home Affairs, stressed the need for Chinese to behave on single loyalty to Indonesia. Invoking political terms like Pancasila and Wawasan Nusantara, which were then becoming official ideologies, the minister equated the loyalty to Indonesian nation and state, with that to Suharto Regime itself. In his logic the "assimilation" of Chinese seemed to mean unconditional devotion to the Regime. Here we can see that there were gap of intentions among Bakom-PKB's top leaders as early as its first stage, which would develop in years serious contradiction not only for the organization but also for Indonesian policy toward Chinese as a whole.
- ポスト・スハルト期インドネシア人華人の政治思潮 : 2002年の「大討論」における主要論者の言説を中心に(後編)
- ポスト・スハルト期インドネシア人華人の政治思潮 : 2002年の「大討論」における主要論者の言説を中心に(前編)
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- ポスト・スハルト期インドネシア華人の政治思潮--2002年の「大討論」における主要論者の言説を中心に(後篇)
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- 津田浩司.『「華人性」の民族誌-体制転換期インドネシアの地方都市のフィールドから』世界思想社,2011,373p.