- 論文の詳細を見る
Taichu 袋中(1552-1639) is the priest who belonged to the Nago'e sect 名越派 of Jodo shu 浄土宗, that is the school of Pure Land Buddhism established by Honen 法然(1133-1212) in Japan. In the 8^<th> year of Genna(1622), he moved to Nara and built Nembutsuji temple 念仏寺. Then he collected the Buddhist sutras, both manuscripts and editions, with his disciples in various places and copied for the sutras those were not able to be collected. Finally, he kept them in the Buddhist sutra storehouse of Nembutsuji temple. But the Buddhist sutras collected by him were scattered and lost. Now, some of them exist in all over the world. Its history was cleared by the investigation of the Buddhist sutras collected by him and the check of the catalogues of libraries and museums which possess them in part now. By checking of the colophons and seals of their sutras, the original owners of them were cleared. Those were Joruriji temple 浄瑠璃時 in Kyoto, Kimpusenji temple 金峰山寺 in Nara, and the other temples that existed in Kyoto or Nara once. It is likely that Taichu collected the sutras existed in Kyoto and Nara, that is to say the vicinity of Nembutsuji temple, in the beginning of Edo period. The extent of his collecting sutras was relatively narrow. Because many of the Buddhist manuscripts or editions existed in that area.
- 国際仏教学大学院大学の論文
- 袋中蒐集一切経の散逸について
- 『賢愚経』「檀膩羈品」の諸本比較研究
- 金剛寺蔵保延四年写『無量寿経論註』について
- 袋中蒐集一切経の来歴と現況
- 金剛寺蔵十六巻本『仏名経』について
- 『賢愚経』における慈悲 (慈悲)
- 『慧印三昧経』とその成立
- 『念仏鏡』について : 著者及び成立年代
- 『賢愚経』「出家功徳尸利[ビ]提品」と『出家功徳経』 (立正大学における第六十一回[日本印度学仏教学会]学術大会紀要(2))
- 『賢愚経』「出家功徳尸利〓提品」と『出家功徳経』