スウェーデンにおけるEU構造基金の評価 : 能力開発プロジェクトを中心に(安藤洋美教授退任記念号)
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Objective 4 of the support from the EU structural funds highlights the need to assist workers to adapt to industrial change and evolution. It is mainly targeted at workers employed in small and medium-sized enterprises. Objective 4 consists of several activities that include, for example, anticipation of labor market trends and vocational qualification needs, vocational training and re-training. Each member country is expected to co-finance Objective 4 activities from national funding sources. Sweden started the Objective 4 programm in 1996, a year after membership of EU, and continued until the end of 1999. The overall goal in the Swedish programme is to contribute to an increase in the will to change and to the implementation of competence developing programms among employees in small and medium-sized companies. In Sweden continuing vocational training is carried out through public adult education, employment training attached to labor market policies as well as through different types of in-company training and personnel education. It is, however, a well recognized fact that SMEs train their employees less than larger enterprises. This program which is supported from the structural fund, therefore, plays an important roll in developing competence of SME's employees in Sweden. I have already described programas of the structural funds in Swedish, Objective 4 as well as some other Objectives, and Community initiatives, which are attached to strengthening of regional autonomy in the former paper of mine titled by 'The Structural Funds and Region in Sweden ('The Ritsumeikan Economic Review', Vol.48, No.4, October 1999). In this paper I mainly describe the evaluation on the structural funds in Sweden focusing on Objective 4. IM Gruppen, which is a private Swedish company, evaluated Objective 4 in Sweden and published the second report in July, 1999. According the report, the Swedish Objective 4 programm is generally considered to be largely successful. It cannot, however, be considered to be successful enough from the point of equalization between women and men.