- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper addresses the relation between raison d'etre and organizing in the nonprofit sector. In more concrete terms, this study clarifies which type of nonprofit organization-problem-solving or emphasizing-existence-tends to be better organized. First, nonprofit organizations are classified into two types, problem-solving (demand-oriented) and existence-emphasizing (supply-oriented) on the basis of their raison d'etre as discussed by of a number of other studies. On the basis of modern organization theory, this paper points out that problem-solving nonprofit organizations tend to be better organized than existence-emphasizing. Second, questionnaire data were collected from nonprofit and volunteer organizations in Japan that applied for the grant program of the Nippon Foundation. Based on the data from the questionnaire data, the present study classified nonprofit and volunteer organizations into one of the two types defined above. Also, it established a formulation index on the basis of various organization theories and actual observations in the field. Moreover it analyzed which of the two types of organizations-problem-solving or existence-emphasizing type-were better organized. Additional interviews also revealed that some renowned and successful nonprofit organizations paid considerable attention to social demands and further supported the findings. It follows from this that, among the Japanese nonprofit and voluntary organizations, "problem-solving type" tended to be better organized than "existence-emphasizing type" of nonprofit organizations. In conclusion, the present study showed that organizing in the nonprofit sector was related to raison d'etre and especially was encouraged by demand-oriented.
- 日本経営学会の論文
- 2006-12-25
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