<なる>活動はいかにして文学作品への理解の深まりをもたらすか : 鳥山敏子の実践記録を手がかりに
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This paper aims to show how behaving as if one were a character in a story leads to deeper understanding of the story. Toshiko Toriyama's 'as-if' practice is highlighted, since she has made great use of this kind of activity. In her practice, unlike that of many other teachers, 'as-if' activities are frequently used from the beginning of the unit, and the interpretation of the story proceeds in parallel with the activities. Learners experience an imaginary situation based on a story using their own senses, not just mimicking what a character does. Thus, they can take on the feelings, viewpoints and decisions of a character and this leads to deeper understanding. There are two conventions in Toriyama' s 'as-if' activities which contribute to enhanced understanding. One is that she gives keywords which help learners become aware of what a character sees, hears and feels. This puts learners in the character's shoes. The other is that she has learners interact with each other in an imaginary situation as characters would do in a story. The wholeness of the situation is emphasized in both conventions.
- 2008-09-30
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