B16 作家型デザイナーとコネクタの協力によるワークショッププログラムの実践 : デザイナーハジフン氏の東京デザイナーズウィークでの展示を通して(デザイン論と創造性(創造性研究部会)、デザイン方法論、その他,心「こころ」とデザイン,第55回春季研究発表大会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The viewer sees exhibition through the explanation. But the viewer understands a work by work thoughts and the explanation would be limited. Therefore if I try to make an audience understand a work correctly, it's necessary also to communicate explanation to a work and designer's plan besides the information to the form of the work. When an audience sees a work, and felt one can be shared with a designer and other audience, the effect of exhibition would rise further. A workshop program for communication of an audience and a designer is watched recently. An audience can see actively through a workshop program, and a designer can hear audience's opinion to a work. When appreciating a work of author principle designer, it's important to understand designer's idea in particular. Therefore free communication of a designer and an audience through a workshop is needed. Author principle designer and a connector cooperated, planned a workshop program, did exhibition by 100% design Tokyo of Tokyo designers' week 2007 and carried out a workshop to color as this research task. And a result of the workshop is reflected by the design through conference of a connector with a designer.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 2008-06-20
- P47 マインズ・オン型展示の効果に関する研究 : 光州デザインビエンナーレにおけるパクヨンソク氏の展示計画を通して(ポスターセッション方式による研究発表概要,平成18年度 日本デザイン学会 第53回研究発表大会)
- B16 作家型デザイナーとコネクタの協力によるワークショッププログラムの実践 : デザイナーハジフン氏の東京デザイナーズウィークでの展示を通して(デザイン論と創造性(創造性研究部会)、デザイン方法論、その他,心「こころ」とデザイン,第55回春季研究発表大会)