8-3 バイオマスエネルギー分野における学融合((1)学融合,Session 8 エネルギー評価・経済)
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Division of "Energy Studies" is a new division in Japan Institute of Energy and "new academic discipline" that includes not only natural science such as engineering and science but also the humanities and social sciences such as philosophy, culture, politics, and economics. "Fusion of Multiple Disciplines" is one of three sub-divisions in "Energy Studies". In this study, the author shows examples of "Fusion of Multiple Disciplines" related to biomass energy studies. Recently, they point out the conflicts of biomass energy and other aspects of biomass such food and nature protection. In order to overcome the conflicts, they need the fusion of multiple disciplines about the biomass energy studies.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2008-08-04
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