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本論文では、変分法とファジィ解析を応用して、不確定境界の障害物を有する自由スペースにおける任意2点間最短パス問題ためのアルゴリズムを提案する。主なアイデアは、不確定境界をファジィ数として捉えることであり、そして、確定的最短パス問題と同様に不確定的問題を解くことにある。In this paper we propose an algorithm for finding shortest paths between any two points in free spaces including obstacles with uncertain boundaries by applying the variational calculus and fuzzy analysis. Our main ideas are to consider the uncertain boundaries as fuzzy numbers and to solve the uncertain problems in the similar way as the decided problems of finding shortest paths.
平松 達也
Graduste School Of Information Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
齋藤 誠慈
Department Of Mathematical Sciences Faculty Of Science And Engineering Doshisha University