内陸開発事業における運河トラスティの創設と展開 : 1836年から1871年までのイリノイ・ミシガン運河
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify neglected aspects of the canal history of the nineteenth century, focusing on the role of the canal trustees of the Illinois and Michigan canal (1845-1871) in comparison with the failed enterprise managed through the canal commissioners appointed by the state legislature (1836-1843). Previously, the success of private companies has been explained by the financial difficulties of the state government and the increasing influence of private capitalists in the 1850s as compared with the 1830s. However, hostility to private companies prevailing throughout the country overturned a proposal to sell the canal to private business, and led to a movement for the transfer of the deed of the canal to the trustees of the Illinois and Michigan canal appointed by foreign investors and the state government. The canal was not able to make use of lake water when it opened in 1848, because a deep cut canal project to give the canal direct access to the waters of Lake Michigan was too expensive and the state government was short of capital. However, the canal trustees were created with the purpose of abandoning this earlier plan and instead of constructing a canal tapping into the canal feeders. As a result, water power was supplied by pumping water out of the Chicago River and from the canal feeders in order to solve the water shortage in Illinois River. The canal feeders supported by the pumping engine promoted the interrelationship between the inland navigation and the Chicago waterway, and helped to start the city of Chicago on its growth as the great inland lake port of the Midwest. Despite preferable conditions, Illinois and Michigan canal trustees became increasingly unable to control both water power for hydraulic needs and pumping water supply for transportation on inland navigation in the depression years of the late 1850s. As a result, there was no direct relationship between the canal business and regional developments in the Upper Illinois Valley.
- 2008-07-30
- 内陸開発事業における運河トラスティの創設と展開 : 1836年から1871年までのイリノイ・ミシガン運河
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